The Top Ten Things You Dont Want to Hear About Losing Weight

(But What You Need to Know if You Want to Get Fit!) 10) No, you won't end up looking like the latest hot young model/singer/actress! Let's face it: your body is your body. It's the only one you've got. Can you still look great? Sure! But there are some things... Read More

8 Proven Weight Loss Tips

There are a lot of "crash" diets out there that promise that you'll drop a considerable amount of weight in days or a week.I have tried a few of these, and in my experience the weight always comes back on, just as quickly since the weight loss tips given are... Read More

3 Ways Going with the Flow Will Make You Fat - And What To Do About It!

Wanna know the truth? If you're going to be slim, you're going to have to swim against the current. You're going to have to take charge of your body and make your own decisions?cause if you go with the flow today, I guarantee that you're going to be... Read More

The Beginners Guide to Losing Weight

So you've decided that you're going to do it.You're sick and tired of being sick and tired and are once and for all hell bent on losing weight.Well, let me be the first to warn you of a very grim fact:Millions have tried before you and most of them have... Read More

Real Weight Loss Begins Today...With Cliff Kuhn, M.D.s Fun Factor Diet!

Weight Loss is something that many Americans struggle with. In this article, Cliff Kuhn, M.D. will teach you why your weight loss techniques so far have been unsuccessful, and how to correctly lose weight - and keep it off!P.T. Barnum, who dedicated his life to entertaining the masses, often relied... Read More

Pick Up Your Pen and Lose Weight!

Although every dieter knows that keeping food records is a key to permanent weight loss, few understand the importance of also keeping an "emotional journal." In fact, one dieter lost 100 pounds, thanks in part to the insights gained through daily journaling. Dieting for weight loss can be as simple... Read More

Can Writing Actually Improve Your Health?

According to the Journal of the American Medical Association, writing about stressful life events helped reduce symptoms of asthma and rheumatoid arthritis in patients with these chronic illnesses. The effects of the writing exercise were still evident four months later and resulted in clinically meaningful improvements in patient symptoms. Interestingly,... Read More

Questioning Cardio for Weight Loss?

Q: I've heard you mention that you don't need tons of cardio to burn stubborn abdominal fat. Okay, I can live with that, but you've also said that it isn't absolutely necessary to perform direct ab work either. What gives?A: If you want to build a serious set of abdominals,... Read More

Ten Important Things to Know Before You Join a Weight Loss Program

1. What is my BMI and how do I calculate it? BMI means Body Mass Index. The value is associated with body fat and health risks. Healthy weight is defined as a BMI equal to or greater than 19 and less than 25 among all people aged 20... Read More

Top 10 Questions and Answers on Atkins Diet

1. What is Atkins Diet? Dr. Atkins diet, first introduced in 1972, is strictly focused on limiting carbohydrate consumption. That is why it is called a low-carb, high-protein diet or sometimes simply a low-carb diet, together with other diets such as South Beach Diet, Power Protein Diet etc... ... Read More

In The News:

If you're looking for a fun and free way to create art, here are some new AI tools that can help you make anything from custom music tracks to quick video clips.
The assassination attempt on former President Trump could have been prevented had officials used drone detection technology for security.
Scientists at MIT have developed a neuroprosthetic that allows people with prosthetic legs to control them using their own nervous systems.
Artificial Intelligence protections for interactive entertainment companies like Activision have led video game performers with SAG-AFTRA to strike.
Kurt "CyberGuy" Knutsson offers a tech guru's recommendations for how to launch a successful website for your business one step at at time.
SmartyPlants monitors your houseplants' light, humidity, temperature, soil moisture and nutrients and sends the information straight to a cellphone app.
Stay up to date on the latest AI technology advancements and learn about the challenges and opportunities AI presents now and for the future.
Kurt "CyberGuy" Knutsson goes in depth with what actually happens after a data breach, when an unauthorized person gains access to private information.
The U.S. Air Force's newest aircraft is turning heads and raising eyebrows around the world. The XQ-67A is an unmanned aircraft with cutting-edge technology.
Your bank already has a host of sensitive info on you — combine that with your voice on record, which can easily be cloned with AI, and you have a cybercriminal's dream.
From smartphones to "dumbphones": A shift from distraction. Here's what tech expert Kurt “CyberGuy" Knutsson has to say about why some people are making the switch.
Kurt “CyberGuy" Knutsson: We're witnessing the potential dawn of a new, cleaner era in mining as Hitachi tests the world’s first ultra-large, fully electric mining dump truck.
Elder scams are a prime threat. Tech expert Kurt “CyberGuy" Knutsson reveals the top cons.
Survue, an AI-powered bicycle safety device, aims to revolutionize cyclist protection. Tech expert Kurt “CyberGuy" Knutsson takes a closer look at the game-changing device.
Kurt the CyberGuy unpacks the best applications to share family photos with loved ones with privacy, security and ease of use for photo sharing.
The future of transportation is suddenly now in San Francisco with self-driving cars. Sleek, autonomous vehicles are traveling through city streets.
What to know and how to protect yourself from a new TikTok hack that has affected high-profile brands and celebrities from CNN to Paris Hilton.
CARMEN, a tabletop robot designed by researchers at the University of California San Diego, can help those with mild cognitive impairment improve their mental skills from their homes.
Here's how to protect yourself from cybercriminals following a massive global IT outage that affected grocery stores, banks, airlines, medical centers and more.
Kurt “CyberGuy" Knutsson talks about how digital price tags transform retail, offering pros and cons for stores and shoppers.
Tech expert Kurt “CyberGuy" Knutsson shows you how to categorize open tabs into custom groups for streamlined browsing.
Tech expert Kurt “CyberGuy" Knutsson reveals how you can secure your iPhone/iPad: Strong passcode, biometric security and software updates.
Here's how you can take better family pictures by using your iPhone or Android's photo timer, a tripod, editing tools and a good prompt to get everyone to smile naturally.
Stay up to date on the latest AI technology advancements and learn about the challenges and opportunities AI presents now and for the future.
An internal investigation by Advance Auto Parts determined over 2 million people were affected by a data breach that exposed names, Social Security numbers and driver's licenses.
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The Thermogenic Fat Burner

The term 'thermogenic' refers to a group of drugs or... Read More

10 Tips for Dining Out

There is no doubt about it; Americans are eating in... Read More

Your Words Affect Your Weight Loss - Stop the Struggle

Are you Telling Yourself It's Too Hard to Lose Weight?Telling... Read More

Weight Loss Product Warnings -- How to Spot Fat Burning Diets

This is the second article in the series, Weight Loss... Read More

A Look at Bariatric Surgery Complications

Although many patients have few problems after bariatric surgery, there... Read More

Diets Dont Work

Any doctor worth their salt will tell you diets don't... Read More

Medical Conditions That Inhibit Weight Loss

Weight loss can be a difficult goal to achieve. Some... Read More

Healthy Diet Answers: Want Fries With That Mister ?

Yes, my healthy diet has at times suffered at the... Read More

The Truth About Low Carb Dieting

Every day you walk down the street it is becoming... Read More

Get Back Weight Loss Motivation with NLP: Setting an Anchor

NLP Setting an Anchor Process to Get Back Motivation for... Read More

Gastric Bypass Surgery - Just The Facts

Gastric Bypass surgery is becoming increasingly more popular for the... Read More

Mamma Said: Keep Your Fingers Out Of Your Mouth

Watching television exercises our eyes but nothing else. Unfortunately, it... Read More

Revolutionary, Safe, and Clinically Proven Natural Weight Loss

America is in a health care crisis. More than 60... Read More

Lose Weight NOW! ? Do or Die Time!

Some of you will not like what I'm going to... Read More

Obesity in America -- The Growing Epidemic!

Obesity is a disease that affects approximately 60 million people... Read More

Eat What You Like and Still Lose Weight

Did you say there's a way I can eat what... Read More

Weight Loss, Exercise, and Bodybuilding Tips ? Keeping Your Body-Fat Low: Part 6 of 10

Do you know that while you work out the muscles... Read More

The Key To Losing Weight And Keeping It Off

Do you want to lose weight? Of course you do,... Read More

Weight Loss Tips: Get Effective Weight Loss Tips!

Looking for Diet Programs on net is like looking for... Read More

Scales Are For Fish, Not Weight Loss

Contrary to common belief, your weight is not really the... Read More

Hypnosis For Weight Loss ? The perfect solution to losing weight

Temporary weight loss is easy!You simply starve yourself on the... Read More

Low Gi Diet or Low Carb Diet ? Which One Is Best?

These days, most everyone has heard of low carb diets... Read More

Loss Your Weight

WEIGHT LOSS:Nutrition and weight-loss researchers say that some supplements can... Read More

Eating for Health, Happiness and Successful Weight Control

Don't diet, just eat and lose weight!First, the following "diet"... Read More

Dieting: A Few Dieting Pitfalls To Avoid

When we gain more weight than is good for us,... Read More