Feeling Tired? Cant Lose Weight? Tap Into Protein Power!

You're always hungry right? The last thing you have time for is to plan meals ahead. Don't despair, you body was designed to be refueled continually. We are not camels and we are unable to work in tip top condition without the essential nutrients our body requires. Your body was designed for a regular supply fo good quality food throughout the day.

If you are a woman who eats less frequently than three 'square' meals and an afternoon snack or a man who eats less than the three meals and a mid morning and afternoon snack... you *should* feel hungry! Probably your body is crying out for nutritious food and one of the first signs is lethary, tiredness and dimished concentration.

Exectutives rushing through the day not stopping for lunch? Moms running after small children and surviving on toddler left overs? Women skipping breakfast and then eating a salad or cup of soup for lunch? Any of these situations fit you? If so, then it is likely you can dramatically change your energy levels and sense of vitality through learning a few simple keys about food! It amazing that so few people realise the importance of eating what your body requires.

If you recognise yourself above, it may also be true that you are overweight. Despite the lack of food, you continue to find those unwanted pounds are impossible to budge! Those who have adequate amounts of protein in their diet, however, may find they've escaped being part of this alarming trend. That's because the latest nutritional research indicates that protein has numerous dietary benefits that give a boost to weight loss and weight management efforts. Let's look at some of the ways you can benefit from a healthy daily protein intake.

One of the principle advantages of protein is that it creates a feeling of fullness and satisfaction in the body that makes overeating much less likely. Besides being filling, protein is a smart addition to any weight loss or weight management programme because of the effect it has on carbohydrate cravings.

As nutritional research has documented, carbohydrates trigger the brain to crave more carbohydrates, leading to a cycle of carbohydrate eating that becomes hard to control. Protein can block that triggering effect of carbohydrates in the brain. If you eat protein with a carbohydrate it will reduce the cravings caused by eating the carbohydrate.

So where do you find sources of protein? Protein is found in dairy and meat products. For example, milk, cream, cheese, turkey, chicken, fish, beef, pork and lamb. You will quickly see these may be high in saturated fats so it is best to ensure you choose predominantly white meats such as fish, and the white flesh of turkey and chicken.

Vegetable products are not normally high in complete proteins except for soya beans. If you have never tried soy products or you don't particularly enjoy tofu or soy milk, don't despair. There are may exciting and delicious products which can be eaten in a variety of ways. They are often low in cholesterol and low in calories and can make an excellent choice to control your hunger and provide energy that sustains which is particularly useful when trying to lose weight.

Kim Beardsmore is a weight loss consultant whose business operates across 60 countries. This world renowned, medically approved program will give you results you'll love and all the support you need! Estimate your healthy body weight, tons of recipes, articles, ezine and more info about protein and soy recipes at http://weight-loss-health.com.au

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