Choose Your Own Guru

What is a guru?

A guru is a teacher. A mentor. On the internet a guru is someone who has a lot of experience and has made the grade, ie. He/She has set up a business that is financially successful and is willing to share the experience with anyone who is interested.

Are you a guru? If not please read on.

The majority of internet gurus are only too happy to teach. Becoming a guru in the true sense of the word.

Pick a guru. There are at least a dozen who not only publish a newsletter with articles showing some of the tricks-of-the-trade but have also published ebooks showing in detail the best way to start and run a business.

Learn from the real experts. There are hundreds of people out there who purport to be experts in ecommerse. Most of them have just read a few books and composed their own book comprised of second hand information. You may ask "What's wrong with that?' it's the same information written in a different style."

There is just one problem. Each of the real gurus has made a success of his/her on-line business in his/her own way. If you follow the instructions of one particular guru, there is a good reason to believe that you will become successful as well.

On the other hand, an instruction book comprised of a mixture of different techniques can cause confusion and fail completely in its purpose.

I am not a guru. You may well ask "In that case, why are you writing this article?" A good question. I have been on the internet for a little over five years. Three years ago I decided to start my own business selling information products on-line.

I read a lot of books on the subject. I tried this way and that. Every author seemed to have his/her own method of doing things. Each one believed that their way was the best way to attain success. The point was that each method worked for that individual.

I became confused. I spent a lot of time and money going one way, only to be sidetracked into a different direction by another well-meaning expert using an entirely different method.

I was about to give up the whole idea and save what money that I had left when a phrase in one book caught my attention. It went like this: 'There are as many right ways of setting up a business on-line as there are wrong ways. You can mix up lots of different wrong ways and still get it wrong. On the other hand, if you mix up a number of different right ways of doing it, you are liable to have discovered yet another way of getting it wrong.

I am sure you can see the point that I am trying to make. There are a number of right ways. Make your choice. Each guru has a way of starting and running a business. Pick just one guru and study his/her system. Don't be sidetracked. Study your chosen system Your guru made it work. You can make it work for you.

Who are these gurus? I could give you a list. It would be subjective in as much that they may not be the ones that another person would choose. The one that I chose may not suit your temperament. It is up to you to make your own choice. There are at least a dozen who are making a six or even a seven figure income who started from scratch with little money but a lot of determination. They made it, so can you.

Don't ever give up. You can do whatever you believe you can do. Until you try, you have no idea of your potential. Go on. Give it a go.


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