Ten Essential Tips For Submitting Articles

Submitting well planned articles on-line will increase traffic and can even launch your career when handled right. They'll drive traffic from all over the net and show an excellent return on your time invested.

Write Your Article Like You're Writing to a Friend

Even though it may be seen by thousands, each copy gets read by one person at a time. Your readers are more open if you're speaking directly to them instead of down at them. Replace big words with simple words. I've heard that writing at an eighth grade level will increase comprehension.

Write a Killer Headline

An amazing article can end up going nowhere because the headline sucked a lemon and nobody read it. Any marketer who knows their stuff will tell you the headline is 80% - 90% of the reason you're even considered. Write a great article of course, but spend lots of time on your headline.

Pick a Topic You Know Well

Assuming you've done your research and found a niche you like that's profitable, you can become an expert in that field because you'll stay with it. If the research is a chore it's easy to lose interest.

Educate But Don't Sell

Articles are thought of as nuggets of information that educate. If your article breaks that unwritten rule and is actually an advertisement in disguise, it'll never see the light of another monitor. A well written article is a subtle but powerful way to motivate someone. Advertising builds barriers, where news is accepted with an open mind.

Write Quality not Quantity

There's no room for fluff in a good article. When reading the posting guidelines, check the restrictions for article length. Stay within the word count or you'll get trashed. It's usually 500 - 600 words. Save your full length version for sites that'll accept it.

Include a Resource Box With Your "Call to Action" Link

Either at the bottom or the top of your article you'll want to include your name, describe what you do, a sign-up email if you're building a newsletter, your website link, a short call to action, whatever's appropriate.

Submit Articles Consistently

Writing and submitting articles consistently will assure growing returns. Some sites will accept your work others won't, so don't get discouraged. Make a schedule, stick to your deadlines and "Just do it"

Read The Posting Guidelines at Each Site

When posting your article follow the guidelines. Don't forget, behind every website and ezine a real person decides the fate of your article. You're asking for exposure to their data base, so take your time and be nice.

Don't Forget The Spell Check

There's nothing worse for a busy web master than wading through spelling errors. Do a spell check, print it off and read it out loud to catch grammatical errors.

Use a Tracking System

With proper tracking you'll see what worked and what didn't. It'll show where to spend more time and drop what's not working. Monitored tracking will increase your return on investment, both for time and money.

Organize your submissions with the Brain-Floss article directory and Article Optimizer? software.

C/O Dwain Berlin

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*** Attn. Ezine editors / Site owners ***

Feel free to reprint this article in it's entirety in your ezine or on your site so long as you leave all links in place, do not modify the content and include my resource box as listed above.

Dwain Berlin - All Rights Reserved
Article Optimizer ?

About The Author

Dwain Berlin is the author of "The Upward Spiral" a lifestyle health program based on evolution. He presently runs a prescription export service from Canada, and created the "Brain-Floss" Article Optimizer system to help on-line entrepreneurs promote their work.

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