Increase Site Page Rank By Writing Free Articles

Are you looking for a better way to promote your website at little or no cost? One simple, yet effective, idea is to write articles about a subject in which you have expertise. Once written, then attempt to distribute these articles for free publication on other resource websites and/or newsletters with, of course, the stipulation that your brief bio and a link to your site remain intact.

If your articles are found to be useful, they might be picked up by many resource websites and e-mail newsletter publishers. Not only will your article bring lots of immediate traffic to your website from these web resource readers, it's likely that your article will be permanently archived among newsletter back issues. This alone will begin to grow a permanent library of backlinks to your website. Search engines, which evaluate incoming links to your site for PR purposes, will observe a boost in your website's popularity and are likely to rank you higher in specific keyword search queries.

Writing free articles for other websites, within your "primary market", can get your name (and website URL) out to thousands of interested readers for little or no monetary expense - only your time & specialized knowledge. For an example of my own "free article marketing", within my direct area of expertise, go to:

my free marketing article

When your "free" article appears within another's newsletter or is published on a "primary market" resource website, you are looked upon as an authority in your particular field of interest. This makes these incoming links to your website much more valuable. People, now having read your article, will likely come to your website already believing in your credibility. Because of this, they are much more prepared to make an immediate purchase of your goods and services than if they arrived cold from a search engine keyword query.

As for your writing style, provide plenty of well-organized, information-rich content, but remember to compose your words into a friendly, "chat-like" style - as if you were sharing your knowledge on a topic to a person having a cup of coffee with you in a cafe. The best articles are not only written in an organized and consistent manner, but are quite easy to read. Be sure to educate your reader without being obviously promotional. Many quality newsletters and resource websites will quickly reject articles that contain overtly self-promotional material.

The prime places to submit your articles to are "target-market" newsletters or websites within your primary or secondarily-related field of interest. Another idea is to develop your own list of "submission sites" within your particular industry that reprint articles from outside authors on a regular basis. You also must research the these web resources to make sure they are still willing to publish new issues that take free article submissions. You can easily find this out by reviewing the most recent online copies of their newsletters or by simply sending an e-mail to the web resource editor. After you have collected an extensive list of editors who accept free article submissions, begin e-mailing them each new article you compose - be sure to post your article as "new" content.

Lastly, remember to publish every new article you write within your own website. Such targeted, content-rich information will bring search engine traffic to your site via a multitude of "non-solicited" (organic) inbound links. These self-published articles will also attract information-hungry editors looking for fresh content.

If you can compose quality, information-rich articles for your industry and find the right web resources looking for such articles, you will not only attract new buying customers, your PR will be raised from a growing network of organically-created inbound links.

Maximilian has been a licensed Cosmetologist for almost 20 years, including ownership of quality salons across the U.S. for over 15 years. He has worked as a platform artist and educator for several haircare companies, and was awarded the prestigious Paul Mitchell Medal of Honor. Maximilian used these experiences in formulating & producing the Oasis Haircare line, as well as, the Fat Lip Makeup Company, which he promotes online at the website: my free marketing article

Maximilian is well-studied in all aspects of web production, server maintenance & computer programming. His passion is Internet marketing in all forms.

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