Wanted: Floodlight Of Treasure To Undo The Works Of Darkness!

'Jesus answered, are there not twelve hours in a day? If any man walk in the day, he stumbleth not, becaue he seeth the light of this world. But if a man walk in the night, he stumbleth, because there is no light in him...'(John 11:9-10)

'...and when thou hast found it, then there shall be a reward, and thy expectation shall not be cut off.' (Proverbs 24:14)

This applicable biblical principle is what governs every imaginable blessings of mankind. My first 'rude' question to you is: Have you found the secret strategy that governs every imaginable blessings of mankind?

If your answer is NO; then, wake up and plug yourelf into the socket of desperate enquiry for a current that would blow to smithreens every fetter of ignorance that has hitherto, held you down in darkness. If your answer is YES; sit back and enjoy this serial, your results should by now, be commanding a level of respect that cannot be pretentious.

Any time you see people dragging their feet about as victims and prisoners of war, it is because they lack the light or, better still, the floodlight that can undo the unfruitful works of darkness in their lives.

Every defeat suffered during daytime is rooted in the arrows of darkness fired in the night.

Your rewards in life are what determine your respects. Respect also is a function of results, which itself is a product of light. When rewards and expectations are dashed to pieces, it is because of the carelessness of the defeated to utilise the floolight, in the night seasons, in order to locate the hidden riches and treasures of darkness, for an excellent and victorious life, even in the midst of gross darkness. That kind of envious life is determined by the level and intensity of the floodlight you carry.

There is a man by the name David (Paul) Yonggi-Cho (a man of results and therefore, respects). Today, he is reckoned as a notable expert on the subject of church growth, many remember him as the Pastor of the largest church in the world- almost a million strong!

This man did not just stumble into this astonishing success, a woman showed him the mystery that made him a master in his pastoral calling. In fact, at the begining, he was a very reluctant student of JaShil Choi(his mother in-law), in the school of 'midnight watches'.

For 11 years(1958-69), he had laboured with modest results in ministry, but as soon as he got enlisted into the 'midnight army' and joined forces to wage battle at the gate of every day, the story of his destiny changed radically and his congregation grew astronomically.

Having arrived at the Palace of destiny today, he is seated on his throne of fame, being sought by everyone in his line of calling to show them the secrets of his exploits. There is no where, or no book, on the subject of Church Growth, in the world today that did not take a cue from the exploits of this man.

His, is a vocal voice in the world, his voice, I mean his terrific results is still speaking for even the deaf to hear today. It was the pain of stark failure and near-bankruptcy which stared at him that drove him, with the humility of a learner, to his knees, to aim his 'prayer-gun' at the 'Goliath of failure'. Today, he has been rewarded by destiny as a leader of leaders.

My prayer for you is, may the pain and shame of whatever has held you down from high achievement in life become too unbearable and unacceptable to you. May you be sufficiently provoked to join forces with me in this serial as we search out the matters that pertaineth to your own palace and stardom too.

Therefore, I admonish you today, with all thy getting, get the Floodlight of Treasure!!!

This piece is dedicated to Dr. Karen Hurston, an insider and young associate of Yonggi-Cho, who through her book: "Growing the world's largest Church" validated my 11 months of research in 2001/2002, into the subject of greatness. This secret was not even readily and directly available in Yonggi-Cho's teachings.

Aderemi Ojikutu (Aderaskeey) is a Motivational Author and Youth Mentor. He is a minister of the Word of God. A political economist and political leader. He is President of the TREASURE WRITERS CLUB in Nigeria (http://treasurewriters.50megs.com). He is also the current President of the National Democratic Forum (N.D.F). He was National Mobilisation Officer of the National Association of Nigerian Students (N.A.N.S) for several years. A revolutionary of over two decades, he was also the political secretary of the defunct Nigerian Labour Party in 1991.

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