A College Degree or an MBA is NOT NEEDED to be Financially Free

Look at Forbes' top 10 United States wealthiest people. Notice the top five "self made" billionaires (excludes the Waltons who's net worth is due to inheritance) are college dropouts. If MBA/college degrees were the answer, this would not be true.

1. Gates, William Henry III (drop out)

2. Buffett, Warren Edward

3. Allen, Paul Gardner (drop out)

4. Walton, Alice L.

5. Walton, Helen R.

6. Walton, Jim C.

7. Walton, John T.

8. Walton, S. Robson

9. Dell, Michael (drop out)

10. Ellison, Lawrence Joseph (drop out)

Education can get a job with good income. Your understanding of your Money Strategy can make you "Financially Free."

Failure or success of a home-based business is all a function of your internal "Money Strategy." says Tax Mom's Vice President, Coralee LaFresnaye. "If your 'Money Strategy' is not set for success, no product, no business, or not even an MBA degree will make you Financially Free,"

Your 'Money Strategy' is the inter-twining of your "DNA Strategy" and the money messages you receive throughout life about money. Ms. LaFresnaye believes that it is the person's lack of understanding of their "Money Strategy," not the product; search engines, business plan, or capitalization is the reason for business failure. This is the reason Tax Moms are sponsoring a FREE 9-week experience called the "Be Financially Free with Ninergy ? the Experience."

Each week for 9-weeks the participants will have the opportunity to take part in a chat, talk and video tele-conference with exercises to help them understand what is meant by DNA Strategy and how the money messages the participant receives throughout life effects their "Money Strategy." At the end of 9-weeks they will understand how their "Money Strategy" can cause their failure or lead to their success. It is now their choice.

The 9-week tele-conference is free and does not promote any product, franchise, service or business, but provides a life changing experience about money. During the 9-weeks the participants have to spend 3.6 million dollars on anything their heart desires. For 9-weeks, the participants receive 2 money-emails a week. The first one is for $5000 and the last one is for a $1,000,000. Each week they have to spend their virtual money before the next money-email arrives.

They will experience their "virtual dollars" turn into "real dollars by focusing and purchasing every desire of their heart, and understanding their "Money Strategy." The purpose of the 9-weeks is to change their "real world" money consciousness. It is not a just a tele-conference or a workshop, it is a real life Experience

How do the Tax Moms know that a person's "Money Strategy" is the secret to success? Since all Tax Moms have participated in this experience and since they prepare thousands of client's tax returns, they see over and over that it is not the product or the service that causes the success or failure, but the client's Money Strategy.

Registration is limited to 500. There is no cost to participate in any part of the experience. The first money-email arrives on July 4, 2005, your Financial Independence Day.

Coralee LaFresnaye is the Vice President of Tax Moms. She handles the daily operations of a nationwide network of CPAs, IRS Enrolled Agents, and State Certified/Public Tax Preparers that work at home. She has been a Entrepreneur and Tax Professional for 34 years specializing in small businesses.

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