Want Money? You Got It!

Six out of six people who were asked to list their highest priority in life said, "I want money". Maybe not in those exact words, but that was the gist of the request. Understand, when you ask the Universe for something the Universe must help provide it. All six of these people are getting exactly what they asked for. They are 'wanting money'.

None of us really needs money. This is a fallacy. We have all we need; shelter, food and clothing. Most of us have much more than the basic necessities for life because we enjoy nice houses, fine cars, eat out every now and then, and extras like computers, music, books, trips and many other 'things'.

Do you realize most people want money no matter how much income they have? Someone making $100,000 a year wants money just as much (or more) than someone making $30,000. Isn't that fascinating? We must realize it is not the money we want, but the stuff money can buy. Look closely at the stuff to be absolutely sure of the reasons it is wanted. This is the rule: Be who you are. Do what you love. Have what you need. Be, Do, Have. Most of the world, and especially in America, has this rule backwards. Most Do something, to Have stuff, to Be somebody.

So many people are working a job, called making a living, by default instead of by passion. Some begin work in a field early in life and stay for 30 or 40 years because they are familiar with it. Some enter a family business because they are expected to and never follow their own path. Others enter a career expecting a high income. Most do not Do what they love.

How do you know? Ask this:

Are you making a living or making a life?

How is your stress level? Do you consider it a job or do you love to begin?

Answers to these questions will provide clues for you.

We take the income from these jobs and buy stuff: newer cars, bigger houses, more toys. Many are bought on credit, and we mortgage away our lives. Why? Because it is the way we are raised. We are bombarded with marketing all our lives to act in this way. We want to impress our friends. (I got a heck of a deal on a new car!) (Want to go for a spin in the new boat?) All this stuff ends up in yard sales, consignment shops, back yards and trash dumps. Life is good though, because with all this stuff we can now Be somebody. We live in that neighborhood, drive that car, have membership in that club, and wear those clothes. Now we are good enough to Be with those people.

See? It is backwards. We Do, Have, Be instead of Be, Do, Have .

What is wrong with this? It leads to a never ending, vicious cycle. There is always more stuff! We all want desperately to just Be . If our Being depends on Having we are all in trouble. There is always more stuff! Bigger and better houses, cars, clubs, clothes, boats, airplanes etc.... To get this stuff we need more income, which means we must be Doing work harder and longer at jobs we didn't particularly like to begin with. * What is the answer?

Be who you are first. Define the top four values for your Self. I will send you a worksheet if you email and ask for it. Define what success is for you! Again, I will be happy to send you a worksheet. With your definitions in hand, begin to make conscious choices on every single opportunity based on your values and your definition of success instead of someone else's. Over time you will find your life reflecting who you are.

Do what you love. This takes time to understand. What did you love to do as a child? What are your dreams now? What are you passionate about? Each of us is here for a reason. When you understand this reason, and follow it with all your heart, an amazing thing will happen.

You will Have what you need. You might not need all the stuff you have. When you are fulfilled Being who you are, and you are busy Doing what you love, there is a Universal energy standing by so you Have what you need.

Be ready! You might not need what you have!

Your Coach and online friend,


Quotation of the Week

"When you set yourself on fire, people love to come and see you burn."- John WesleyEvangelist (eighteenth century)

About The Author

Miami Phillips is an ANSIR Certified Personal Coach and the founder of Creative MasterMinds who believes personal growth is an essential ingredient to being happy and contributing to this world. While his main focus is affordable personal and business coaching, he also offers motivational teleclasses, ebooks, reading recommendations and much more. To find out more visit his site at http://www.creativemasterminds.com or send him an email at http://www.creativemasterminds.com

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