Discover the Secrets and Possible Solutions To Money Problems

It is sometimes pitful how many projects are never born or die simply because of the flimsy excuse : "We don't have enough money !"

There are many possible solutions to money problems.

When a practical, inspirational, exceptional idea raise from your mind, don't ask the question : "How much will it cost ?" untill the conceptis fully discussed, considered and examined.

First ask opportunity spotting questions like :

1. Is this a neeed filling idea ?

2. Would it be a great idea for the society ?

If it appears that the idea would fill a need or solve a problem or create opportunities or contribute to growth or bring about fruitfull improvements, then ask the question : "How can I raise the needed funds ?"

If the idea meets all the tests and you want it to be launched, you will be able to find a way to finance your dream.

Here are 10 secrets to solve your money problems :

1. You can begin with nothing.

Dreams cost nothing. Do you have a dream ? Are you facing money problems ? Then remember this : "All great projects begin with a dream." Projects can be started without a single cent. If you have a need filling, glorifying, inspiring, imaginative idea, share it with trusting, positive thinkers and you will at least give your dream a chance to come alive. The most valuable product in the world is an idea and good ideas magneticaly attract support from unexpected sources.

2. You can do a lot with a little.

You can organize a corporation with very little. It doesn't cost too much to have letterheads and calling cards printed. So you can begin almost anything for very little cash.

A little bit of money can go a long way to get a project on the road. If there is a corporation or organisation dedicated to the fulfillment of a proctical and beautiful dream, you can be sure that the human instinct to preserve a positive idea will surely move the project forward.

When dedicated leaders invest teir best time, energy and money in a project, they inspire other investors to come their way. Investors are attracted to imaginative, daring and honest leaders. A young man or woman with big dreams and a little money, putting all that he has into his idea, will find support coming from th ekinds of people who can lead him or here to success.

3. You can earn more money than you think you can.

Money should not stop you, for there is more money floating around than you realize. Just because you don't have it doesn't mean you can't get it. You are bearers of good news, fo you tell people about some wonderful product, service or opportunity people might never have heard about. Many custumors will listen , love what they see and buy enthousiasticly and thank you for taking their money away in exchange for something they joyfully purchase. You make people happy when you help them spend their money. The profit motive is a good motive if you look upon money as a means of improving your society, your family, your church or your own mind and body. The love of money is the root of evil only if money becomes an end in itself instead of a means to greater service. So, get all the money you need. The man who gets the money is the man who believes that he can.

4. You can build your fortune on borrowed money.

There are millions of dollars waiting to be loaned out to worthy enterprises and to responsible and would be businessmen or ?woman. All money acquired in the banks and savings and loan institutions must be invested. If you can't borrow from commercial institutions, you can often borrow from private individuals. Somehow, some way, you can borrow money to get started. And remember that debt is not necessarly a disgrace. Often debt is material evidence of a man's courage and confidence. Just consider all the possible benefits that accrue when a responsible and honest person goes into debt. Often you may never succeed unless you hav faith enough to dare to go out and borrow money.

5. You must understand what real debt really is.

What, after all, is debt ? When you borrow money for food or the light bill or the water bill, you are spending money that is gone forever. This is a real debt.

When you want to borrow money to buy a car or a house then you are not going into debt; you are going into the investment business.

If you can't pay off your house loan, you can sell the house, pay the debt and any money you may have left is your return from your investment. Then you have a profit from you investment.

6. You will attract money when you fill a vital need.

It always pays to serve. Improve and expand your business and people will come, income will automaticaly increase and principal indebtedness will very naturally take care of itself.

Provide unsurpassed service and you can be a success. It is not a disgrace to borrow money ot provide a needed service. It is a disgrace not to give a good idea a chance to be born.

7. You can get the money if you dare to ask for it.

The Bible says : "Ask and you will receive." "You have not because you ask not."

Jesus Christ said : "Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened to you."

Be positive , have a constructive cause. Let it be creative and inspiring and people will be attracted. Sell a wonderfull new idea. Offer people an exciting opportunity to share in building something wonderful. Every person wants to be creative, important and useful. The need to be needed is one of the deepest hungers in the human heart and everyone want to spend his money. Give people a dynamic program and they will love to give to it.

8. You can harness the pyramiding power of time.

Let time solve your money problems. Harness the calender and let it harvest the crop of money that is raised each year from the fertile fields of free enterprise. It's quite possible that money is not your problem after all. Your problem may be a lack of patience. So learn how to harness time to let time make money for you.

9. Make God your partner.

This is the key which may unlock your door to success. This does not mean that if you team up with God, you will naturally be rich. But it is true that if you do enter into a sacred agreement to make God your partner, you will receive insights, inspirations, bright ideas and courage to move ahead when and as you should.

10. You can start over again.

If you have suffered financial failure remember this : "Fear is more disgraceful than failure." It is a greater disgrace not to dare to try again than it is to try and fail.

Read the story of most millionaires and you will find that many have been bankrupt at least once. Don't let that old cry : "We don't have enough money !", keep you from accomplishing worthwhile projects. There will be a way.

"When you need an expert, hire one. Don't try to be one."

? 2003

Fernando Soave CEO CUTTING EDGE MLM Free Cutting Edge MLM Newsletter. Fernando Soave is the author of "Cutting Edge MLM News." He has been in marketing for 20 years and is helping individuals succeed online. Visit his site to find out how you can get free reports. or Subscribe to the Free Cutting Edge MLM Newsletter and receive your +$585 MLM Value Pack.

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